Advent message

Advent – 2014

From the Rector:

We have now completed the longest season of Church Kalendar, which is known as Trinitytide. During this season, we have engaged in the contemplation of the Mystery of the Eternal Godhead; celebrated the feasts of our Patronal Saint, and the Assumption of Our Holy Mother; declared, through our worship, our belief in the perpetual sovereignty of Our Lord; honored all those Saints and Martyrs who have offered the ultimate sacrifice in witness to the Catholic Faith on All Saints; and remembered all those who have departed this life in that same Faith on All Souls. When we add in all those usual summer activities such as family vacation trips and other secular outings, we might be justified in thinking that we are now in need of some “quiet time”; maybe taking a short breather during which we can relax a bit and refresh our bodies and minds as we look forward to the coming of Our Lord at Christmas.

The Church, in its Divinely inspired wisdom, has afforded us an opportunity for just such a period of refreshment; the season of Advent. But we must not mistake this time as being an occasion for stagnation; rather, we must understand that this is our chance to reinvigorate our Faith, to stimulate our hearts and minds, to revive our souls by prayerfully inviting Our Lord in the words of that great antiphon, “O Come, Emmanuel”. It is a time to resolutely undertake such acts of Faith that will renew our spiritual lives as we embark on the New Year.

It is no accident that I mention the New Year. As we all know, January 1st marks the beginning of the New Year on almost all secular calendars. Likewise, as we all know, Advent marks the beginning of the New Year for the Church. While the two, by their nature, may seem to be greatly different, there is at least one thing in particular that they share in common; the call for us to commit to one or more New Years’ resolutions. It is with this thought in mind that we should contemplate our preparations for the coming of Christ, during this Advent Season.

I encourage all to prayerfully contemplate making one or more personal resolutions that will help to reinvigorate your Love of God. St. James will offer numerous opportunities for you to join your brothers and sisters in the Worship of God through the Holy Mass, the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin, Solemn Evensong and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Please take the time to avail yourself of these opportunities to refresh your hearts, minds, and souls; resolve to do those things that will stimulate your spiritual life for the New Year and to invite Our Lord to come into your life as we prepare to celebrate the Mystery of His Holy Incarnation at Christmas.

Yours in Christ,


Daniel J. Jennings+

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