Trinitytide – 2015

Trinitytide – 2015

From the Rector:

Once again, our Church Kalendar has transitioned to the longest liturgical season of the year, also known as Trinitytide. Over the course of the next twenty-five weeks, we will contemplate the Mystery of the Triune God, as described by the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. The Epistle and Gospel lessons provided for Mass by the Missal and the Book of Common Prayer during this season are intended to aid our comprehension of this Mystery, and to inspire us as we persevere through our daily lives in this world. But we should also look upon this season as an opportunity for renewal so that we may continue to engage in the battle that Our Lord has commanded us to wage.

It is all too tempting for us to consider the Summer months as a time of relaxation, during which we may be excused for neglecting our obligation to the Church. But I can assure you that our commitment to the Catholic Faith does not change with the seasons. Particularly at this time in history, that commitment is ever more important.

Recent polls have indicated that those who identify themselves as “Christian” is at an all-time low. At the same time, those who identify with another belief system, be it atheist or some other, is at an all-time high. I cannot emphasize enough the danger posed by this situation. We must combat this state of affairs; indeed, we are commanded by Our Lord to do so.

We here at St. James will have ample opportunity to join in that battle; to combat the forces of Satan and to gather in those sheep who have been lost. This effort must be waged each and every day, as we invite our friends and loved ones to join us in the Worship of God. And in addition to the usual schedule of weekly Mass, there will be other opportunities presented for those who are seeking, and to whom we must offer our help.

Beginning shortly after Labor Day, there will be a class offered for those who are inquiring; those who want to know more about the Anglican Catholic Church; those who want to know more about St. James; and those who want to know more about the Traditional Catholic Faith. This class will be intended to offer an opportunity for those who have gone astray; who have doubted, or have never heard the Gospel in the first place. This is our audience. This is our battleground. This is our commandment; to “preach the Gospel to all nations and all people”.

It is my responsibility as Rector to design and schedule this class; and there will be additional details about it provided in the near future. It is YOUR responsibility to bring people to this class; to invite them to hear the wonderful message of the Gospel and the Triumph of Our Lord Jesus Christ; to encourage them to learn about the history of the Church and about the Catholic Faith. It is incumbent upon each and every one of us at St. James to wage the battle of the Faithful; through your own witness and through your invitation to others to join us in the army of God and to share in His Victory.

Yours in Christ,


Daniel J. Jennings+

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